The Indiana Farmers Market Forum is the annual conference for farmers market managers, farmers, and vendors with panel discussions, state-wide updates, and real-world applications.
Legita Wilson, Commodities Program Manager with the Indiana Department of Health discusses eFMNP – the new WIC and Senior FMNP. Legita will cover why eFMNP; how farmers can sign-up to be a merchant, and how clients will participate in 2024. Legita will share resources for farmers, clients and market managers.
Nick Stepaniak, Market Manager with the Westfield Farmers Market is moderating a panel of market managers:
The market manager panel share best practices, tips and ideas for getting a farmers market off to a great start at beginning and every market day.
Sharon Pattee, Trainer and Standardization Officer with the Indiana Department of Health, Food Protection Division, is joining us for an update session that will clarify HBV 1149! You have questions? Sharon will answer them!
Ashley Adams Wagner with the YLNI Farmers Market and Nanci Sears Perry with the Yorktown Farmers Market who will share with you the Power of Produce Program, a youth empowerment program from the Farmers Market Coalition. Both Ashley and Nanci discuss how their farmers market runs POP and how much fun youth have participating!
Christina Ferroli, ICDC’s Grant Program Coordinator, discusses data collection and why data collection is important for farmers markets. Discussion and sharing is encouraged! Data collection strategies, tools and resources will be shared!
Mary Tyndall with the St. Joseph Community Foundation, Michelle Shippy with Indiana Dept. of Health, Ally Osburn with the Marion County Health Dept, and Shalise Lee with Indy Winter Farmers Market discuss Double Up IN, Indiana’s nutrition incentive program. The panel will share how SNAP EBT and Double Up IN help farmers earn more at farmers markets and farm stands.
Community Wellness Coordinator, Jered Blanchard, and a panel of farmers market managers will share and discuss the success of eFMNP for their farmers market!
Farmers Market Panel:
Bridget Anderson and Meagan Heber share how the Indiana Housing and Development Authority (IHCDA)’s CreatINg Places grant can provide place-based activation funding for local farmers markets and how their partnership with Patronicity allows you to engage your community in generating hyperlocal investment. Deepen your understanding of the program guidelines, get tips and strategies for fundraising, and see examples of successful market projects from around the state.
Did you miss last year’s Farmers Market Forum? It’s not too late to catch up. Check out the sessions for both days below.
Insurance for Farmers Markets & Vendors