INFMCP is sharing important and helpful information and resources for the farmers market community to help market managers, vendors (farmers, Home-Based Vendors, producers, and makers), staff, and volunteers make their farmers market the best it can be!  

From the Farmers Market Coalition, the Anti-Racist Farmers Market Toolkit exists to help farmers market managers make progress toward becoming anti-racist managers of anti-racist markets.

Are you interested in keeping bees?  How about selling honey?  Check out the Beekeepers of Central Indiana for events, programs, regulation documents, and much more!

If you live in central Indiana, then the Central Indiana Beekeepers Assoication is also a great resource. Their meetings are held at the Holiday Park Nature Center in Indianapolis on the 3rd Monday of each month.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer.  From the FairShare CSA Coalition, is a CSA right for you? Most importantly, FairShare is helping ensure that everyone who wants fresh fruits and veggies has access and the ability to purchase into a CSA.

The CSA Innovation Network is a national community of practice comprised of farmers and farmer support organizations dedicated to unifying and strengthening the CSA movement.

Farmers Market Coalition

From the Farmers Market Coalition, Resolve Conflict at Farmers Markets has resources for market managers, including the article, “Resolve Conflict at Farmers Markets” (August 5, 2021) by April Jones, Market Manager, Pinehurst Farmers Market. 

Also available for market managers on the Farmers Market Coalition website is Vendor Relationships which helps market managers get off on the right foot with their vendors and build strong relationships..

Farmers Market Pros

From Farmers Market Pros comes Tent Talkthe farmers market Podcast on de-escalating tense situations at farmers markets, stay calm, cool and collected.

Farmers, ranchers and forest landowners who have experienced discrimination in USDA farm lending programs prior to January 2021 may be eligible for the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program. This program is an important step in delivering on USDA’s commitment of providing financial assistance to those who have face discrimination in USDA farm lending programs.

USDA continues to accept applications for the program. The deadline to apply is January 13, 2024. Borrowers can apply for assistance online via or through a paper-based form. The application process is not on a first come, first served basis. All applications received or postmarked before January 13, 2024 deadline will be consdered.

Filing an application is free and does not require a lawyer. On, applicants can find information on how to obtain technical assistance in-person or virtually, and additional resources and details about the program. Applicants can also call the toll-free call center at 1-800-721-0970 or visit one of serveral dozen brick-and-mortar offices the program has set up around the country. Locations are provided on the program website and vendors will update the location events schedule with more information as it becomes available.

If there are concerns about working with USDA based on past experiences, USDA has partnered with community-based organizations to conduct outreach to underserved groups. To support producers throughout the application process, USDA is ensuring that organizations with extensive experience conducting outreach to farm organizations are able to support individuals who may be eligible for the program. These groups include AgrAbility, the Farmer Veteran Coalition, Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Federation of Southern Cooperatives, Intertribal Agriculture Council, Land Loss Prevention Program, National Young Farmers Coalition, and Rural Coalition. 

For more information, visit

What is diversity and inclusion? 

Definition:  Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs. 

Definition:  Inclusion is involvement and empowerment, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized. An inclusive university, organization or group promotes and sustains a sense of belonging; it values and practices respect for the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of living of its members. 

What does LGBTQ+ Mean?

From, LGBTQ+ is an initialism that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and it is often used to mean all of the communities included in LGBTTQQIAA.

Change Lab Solutions

From Change Lab Solutions, Uprooting the Structural Drivers of Health Inequity, is a series of collaborative trainings for decision makers. For an overview of resources from Change Lab Solutions, check out resources and services.  Also,  Food and Beverages, Making the healthy choice the easy, has resources on the following:

People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Justice (PODER)

Founded in 1991, Poder is a grassroots organization that works to create people-powered solutions to the profound environmental and economic inequalities facing low-income Latino immigrants and other communities of color in San Francisco (CA).

Central Indiana Community Foundation’sOur Plan to Dismantle Systemic Racism

Oct. 28, 2020, from the stage of the Madam Walker Legacy Center, CICF revealed plans to dismantle systemic racism in Central Indiana at Inclusive City 2020. The plan aims to create and motivate grassroots anti-racist movement in Central Indiana and to interrupt and replace systems that are upholding White supremacy culture. Also included are steps on how individuals and organizations can take action to create an anti-racist community that works for all.

Building Trust in Communities: Understand and Growing Social Capital

From the University of Minnesota Extension, Understanding and Growing Social Capital, provides information, resources and on-line videos on what is social capital – the glue that holds communities together – and how to grow social capital for your farmers market community.

Oregon Farmers Market Association

Oregon Farmers Market Association (OFMA) is committed to supporting equity for all communities by focusing on racial justice.  Anti-racism at Farmers Markets is their resource website where OFMA’s presentations, resources and selected readings are shared for everyone who is committed to ending racism in all communities, including farmers markets.


Sponsored by Wholesome Wave’s Nutrition Incentive Network, Fostering a Culture of Inclusivity at Your Market, this guide provides strategies from farmers markets across the country to help foster inclusivity in the farmers market environment.

Farm 2 Facts

Farm 2 Fact offers insights on how the Bloomington (Indiana) Farmers Market can increase diversity and inclusivity at their market in “How can the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market enhance its culture of inclusivity as well as its vendor and visitor diversity?

Creating a Culture of Inclusion at Massachusetts Farmers Markets, A Toolkit

From the Center for New Economics, this article, Creating a Culture of Inclusion at Massachusetts Farmers Markets, serves as a toolkit with 11 tools for market managers to use as a starting point on making farmers markets inclusive communities.  

Civil Eats

From Civil Eats, New Research Explores the Ongoing Impact of Racism on the U.S. Farming Landscape, an article exploring the on-going impact of racism on the U.S. farming landscape.

Farmers Market Coalition  

From the Farmers Market Coalition, resources on Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Anti-racism Work.


From PolicyLink, the Equitable Food Systems Guide, defines equitable food system and provides resources that are applicable for anyone working in the local foods systems. Also, check out their Equity Blueprint resources, along with Food Systems resources. 

Iowa State University, Extension and Outreach

Iowa State University’s Extension and Outreach in Inequities in the Food System explores how local food systems can recognize, acknowledge, and address the systemic inequities and oppression in our communities.  They provide helpful definitions and resources on the General Food System, General Equity, Extension’s work on Equity in Food Systems, along with Iowa specific resources in each topic.

University of Wisconsin

From University of Wisconsin-Madison, Racial Equity Tools for Foods Systems Planning looks at Racism in Built Environments and Equity in Food Systems Planning along with providing Racial Equity Assessment Tools, Racial Equity Tool for Systems Planning and Food System Racial Equity Assessment Tool Facilitation Guide.

Edible Communities

From Edible Communities, Farmers Markets for All: Fresh locally grown, nutritious food should be for everyone, article by Joy Manning (June 3, 2019) touches upon the topics:

  • Who feels welcome?
  • Getting the word out
  • Making farmers markets more affordable
  • Location, location and layout
  • Racial diversity
  • Future of farmers markets
Michigan State University, Center for Regional Food Systems

Measuring Racial Equity in The Food System: Established and Suggested Metrics, is a toolkit offering an expansive list of metrics that can be used to hold food movement organizations and food system practitioners accountable for progress towards a more equitable food system. Also available are external resources and several webinars on racial equity in the food system, food sovereignty, and racial equity in food hubs. 

National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability

From the National Center on Health and Physical Activity, check out, Creating Markets for All Shoppers, which outlines considerations – from transit stops and entry access to signage and booth accessibility – that market managers should take into account to create welcoming and accessible and equitable markets for all. Also available is their Why Choose to Shop at a Farmers Market brochure, which summarizes for market managers how to make farmers markets accessible.

National Young Farmers

From the National Young Farmers, Racial Equity in The Food System, is a look at the small farm movement; food systems rooted in stolen land and stolen labor; white supremacy and systemic racism; and how farmers have been organizing for racial justice.

Also check out Justice for Black Farmers Act, a quick overview of the legislation that addresses historic discrimination against black farmers in US agriculture policy.

National Young Farmers Racial Equity Toolkit (2020)

The National Young Farmers Racial Equity Toolkit is both a resource providing definitions of commonly used terms and a how-to guide on conscious raising and anti-racism organizing including direct action steps to get started.

The Farmers Market Legal Toolkit is your educational resource for building legal, resilient and accessible farmers markets.

Farmers Market Pros provide support for farmers markets through conferences, educational trainings (Vendor 101) and podcasts.

National Gleaning Project from the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems is nationwide map of gleaning and food recovery organizations.

Society of St. Andrews is America’s oldest and largest gleaning organization whose mission is to reduce waste and end hunger! For their work in Indiana check out Gleaning Indiana.

Farmers Market Promotion Program

The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products by developing, coordinating, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, online sales or other direct producer-to-consumer (including direct producer-to-retail, direct producer-to-restaurant and direct producer-to-institutional marketing) market opportunities. 

Local Foods Promotion Program

The Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to consumer marketing to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products. Grants can be used for the planning stages of establishing or expanding a local and regional food business enterprise or to improve or expand a food business that supports locally and regionally produced agricultural products and food system infrastructure by performing feasibility studies, market research, training and technical assistance for the business enterprise and/or for producers working with the business enterprise. 

USDA Programs in The Local Food Chain, an Overview

The USDA is committed to supporting programs that build robust regional food economies. USDA has developed a fact sheet that outlines USDA programs in the local food supply chain.

Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program – GusNIP

The GusNIP Grant, formerly known as Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Program (FINI), provides funding for projects that conduct and evaluate incentives (monetary) to increase purchase of fruits and vegetables by low-income consumers.

Regional Foods Partnership Grant

The Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) program supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems. The program focuses on strengthening the viability and resilience of regional food economies through collaboration and coordination. 

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program 

The purpose of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. Specialty crops are defined as “fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).”

SARE Grants (Sustainable Agriculture, Research and Education) 

North Central SARE strengthens communities, increases producers’ profitability, and improves the environment through grants and education. Indiana is in the North Central SARE region.

The Indiana Home Based Vendor Law (2009) guidance document from the Indiana Department of Health and Purdue Extension’s Fact Sheet on House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1309.

From Purdue Extension’s Food Entrepreneurship series, Using a Home Kitchen to Prepare Food for Sale, outlines what a Home-Based Vendor can and can’t make and sell from their home kitchen.

From Pick Your Own, the Indiana Cottage Food Laws and Regulations:  How to sell your homemade foods in Indiana provides basic Home-Based-Vendor guidelines. 

Institute for Justice

From the Institute for Justice, Selling Home Made Food in Indiana article which outlines Indiana Cottage Food Law (aka Home-Based Vendor) and providing facts or truths about Cottage Food laws and helpful resources. 

To check on reforms or updates to Cottage Food Laws across the country, including Indiana, check out: Recent State Reforms for Home-Based Food Businesses

Forrager Cottage Food Community (AKA Home-Based Vendor)

Want to get started as a Home-Based Vendor?  How to Start a Cottage Food Business from Your Home Kitchen (2020) from Forrager Cottage Food Community provides you with resources, podcasts, forums and communities to help get started on a Cottage Food Business (or in Indiana Home-Based Vendor). Also, from Forrager Cottage Food Community, Indiana can you legally sell food from home in Indiana, a quick guide to what foods and how foods that were made at home can be sold (farmers market or farm stand/roadside stand only).

Webstaurant Store

Thinking of starting a home-based business? From Webstaurant Store, How to Start a Home Bakery (2021) is a how-to article which outlines all the things you need to take into account when setting yourself up as a Home-Based Vendor. 

Food Safety News

From Food Safety News, the article, When Does a Cottage Food Law Become a House Food Law (January 27, 2014) by Kelly Damewood outlines the food safety risks and realities of Cottage Food Laws (aka Indiana Home-Based Vendor Law). 

The Indiana Farmers Market Vending Guide is a comprehensive look at what it takes to be a vendor who sells produce or a specialty crop at markets. Covering topics critical to understand in order to be successful, the guide helps anyone interested in starting a business sell successfully at Indiana Farmers Markets.

Topics covered in the vending guide include:

  • Are You Ready to Sell at A Farmers Market?
  • Identifying Markets in Your Area
  • Selecting Your Specialty Crop
  • Joining a Market and Learning The Rules
  • Legal Issues
  • Going to Market
  • Making A Sale
  • Professionalism and Vendor Behavior
  • Giving Back

The Indiana Farmers Market Vending Guide is available for download in English, Spanish and Burmese.

The Indiana SBDC Agribusiness Initiative offers Hoosier small businesses and entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector access to no-cost, confidential specialty business advising and training, including financing, crop yield projections, U.S. Department of Agriculture loan packaging, value-added product development and commodity exporting, among others. The Agribusiness Initiative is made available in partnership with the Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD), Purdue Extension, and the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA). 
Eligible Agribusinesses Include:
Start working with Indiana SBDC Agribusiness Initiative by completing a form and a team member will touch base within 2-days!

In 2010, the Farmers Market Coalition worked with Campbell Risk Management to create affordable farmers’ market liability insurance to support farmers’ markets across the country. Contact Campbell Risk Management (based in Indianapolis, IN) for farmers’ market or vendor insurance rate quotes.

Medcare Plans Resource Center works to make Medicare accessible to all qualified senior by removing the language barrier that can prevent seniors from learning about important coverage to support their long term health. Medicare Plans Resource Center delivers fact-based, expert-reviewed information about Medicare that can provide support to Spanish-speaking communities. 

Resource guides hlep senior and disabled immigrants and their families through the Medicare enrollment process. Answers to common questions about the different parts of Medicare are translated into Spanish and a walk through on what is and isn’t covered by the federal health insurance program is available.

Check out the gudes:

Nutrition Incentive Hub 

The Nutrition Incentive Hub is a coalition of partners that support nutrition incentives and produce prescription projects.

County Health Rankings

County Health Rankings rates effectiveness of health promotion programs and the Fruit & vegetable incentive programs (AKA Nutrition Incentive Programs) were ranked 6 out 6. Fruit & vegetable incentive programs work to increase access to healthy food; increase healthy food purchases; and increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

Fair Food Network

The Fair Food Network is a national nonprofit that works to connect people to the power of food to grow community health and wealth. Through their nutrition incentives work they bring healthy food in reach of every family with benefits to local farmers. They also support entrepreneurs who are the engine for a more equitable future.

NGA Foundation, Technical Assistance Center

The National Grocers Association’s Technical Assistance Center provides an overview of What Are Nutrition Incentives along with resources that are especially helpful, since more brick-and-mortar retail food stores are offering nutrition incentives.

From the Farmers Market Coalition, Advocacy Toolkit provides farmers market managers resources and tools to help get started in advocating for farmers markets.

For up-to-date information, check out the Pet Food Home Page of the Office of Indiana State Chemist, where you will find info on the regs and resources on making and selling pet treats in Indiana.  

To sell raw milk in Indiana, the milk must be labeled for pet food or supplements only. For guidance, check out the Indiana Raw Milk Product Sales Information Handout.

Have questions about pet food, treats, or labeling?
Katie Simpson, Pet Food Specialist
Telephone: 765-494-1611

Can you forage wild mushrooms in Indiana and sell them? Check out the Indiana Department of Health’s guidance before you start foraging.  

The Hoosier Mushroom Society – For trainings and forums on wild mushrooms found in Indiana

Updated December 2023

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